Traditional Muay-Thai



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New at FFD!! Discover the Power and Grace of Muay Thai

Step into the ring of authenticity and finesse with our newest addition: Muay Thai training, now available at FFD. These exciting sessions take place in our MMA space, immersing you in the rich traditions of this ancient Thai martial art. While our regular kickboxing technique classes already cover clinching and sweeps, we will dedicate a special hour to the pure essence of Muay Thai starting this Tuesday.

Join us on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 PM in our dojo for an exhilarating Muay Thai training session. In this intense one-hour class, you’ll dive deep into the ancient Thai combat art, focusing on refining kicks, clinches, and even the art of elbow strikes.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your skills and challenge yourself by participating in our thrilling Muay Thai sessions. Be sure to join us and immerse yourself in the exciting tradition of Thai martial arts!

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