House and Conduct Rules

These rules apply to all members as well as guests, youth, recreational participants, and competitive fighters before, during, and after training sessions and activities at the gym or any other location where activities are held.

General Rules

Fit-Fight Dojo aims to promote the development of physical and mental well-being, with an emphasis on enjoyment of the sport. To make the experience as pleasant as possible for trainers and assistants, we enforce a set of behavior and house rules.

Respect for your surroundings and the people around you is very important and forms the foundation of every kickboxing school. We expect all participants to adhere to the house rules during training. The house rules are in place to protect yourself and other members of Fit-Fight Dojo.

Fit-Fight Dojo is a gym that believes in the goodness of people. Overall, we are a professional organization led by trained staff. We do our utmost to provide the best possible service, for which we have established general terms and conditions. By enrolling, our members agree to these terms and conditions.


By entering the premises, individuals accept the applicability of our general rules and are required to follow all regulations and instructions from Fit-Fight Dojo.

Behavior and House Rules:

  1. Respect for the Sensei, Assistants, and Fellow Participants
  2. Greet the gym, fellow students, and the trainer with “OSU” when you step onto the mat.
  3. Misconduct (including inappropriate behavior, bullying, and actions that violate norms and values) may result in immediate termination of membership or collaboration. Any form of aggression, street violence, intimidation, discrimination, unwanted advances, or theft is not permitted, both inside and outside the gym. Such behavior may lead to removal from the gym.
  4. We take care of each other’s belongings and the facility.
  5. Notify us in advance from home if you plan to attend training.
  6. Arrive on time for training (please come 10 minutes before the start of each session).
  7. Introduce yourself to people you don’t know, so new members feel welcome.
  8. During training, do not talk about irrelevant topics. Avoid being a distraction (turn off or silence your phone).
  9. All water bottles should be placed in one spot by the water fountain.
  10. Be sporty and helpful in the gym. Kindness and positivity are valued traits both inside and outside the gym.
  11. Personal hygiene and grooming are essential (fresh breath, well-kept nails, clean training clothes).
  12. If a class is in session, wait quietly until the class is over or, as an adult, train quietly in the weight room so the Sensei and members are not disturbed.
  13. Inappropriate behavior, bullying, sexual harassment, and blasphemy towards fellow participants will not be tolerated.
  14. Smoking in the gym is strictly prohibited.
  15. The possession and use of drugs in and around the sports complex is forbidden and will result in an immediate ban or reporting to authorities.

Before Training

  1. For your own safety, all members must remove or take off all jewelry (including piercings).
  2. Any injuries or (chronic) illnesses such as epilepsy, asthma, or athlete’s foot must be reported to the instructor in advance so that appropriate considerations can be made.
  3. Any bandages should be applied before the start of the class.
  4. The use of groin protectors and mouthguards during training is at your own risk. (Fit-Fight Dojo advises using them.)
  5. Wearing braces, contact lenses, or glasses is entirely at your own risk.
  6. Participants must report any physical complaints (old and new injuries, headaches, nausea, etc.) before the start of the class so the trainer can take them into account.
  7. Chewing gum, candy, and eating are prohibited during training.
  8. Consider each other’s weight, age, gender, level, background, injuries, etc.

During Training

  1. Greet the gym, fellow students, and the trainer with “OSU” when you step onto the mat.
  2. On the mat, address the instructor as Sensei.
  3. Introduce yourself if you don’t know other members.
  4. Train barefoot on the sports floor. It is strictly forbidden to enter the sports floor with shoes or socks.
  5. Before training, line up in a straight line and perform a salute.
  6. We train with each other, not against each other (adjust to your partner). Everyone can train with everyone.
  7. During explanations, maintain an active listening posture (no lying down/sitting, no leaning, and no talking).
  8. Swearing is not allowed during training.
  9. Drink only when instructed by the Sensei.
  10. Request permission if you need to use the restroom during training.
  11. If you are injured or not feeling well, it does not necessarily mean you cannot train. You can discuss possibilities with the trainer in advance. You are always welcome to observe, as you can learn from that too.
  12. Kickboxing should be safe, both emotionally and physically.
  13. For safety and group dynamics, always follow the trainer’s instructions.
  14. No food is allowed on the mat.
  15. Always tidy up equipment in the gym and weight room after use.
  16. The gym’s boxing gloves and shin guards are for members taking their first or second trial class or for new members only.
  17. Coats or sports bags are not allowed in the training area.
  18. Fit-Fight Dojo is not responsible for injuries.
  19. If you need to leave the room during a class, you must first inform the instructor.
  20. Respect fellow students and the Sensei; be sportsmanlike. Fit-Fight Dojo reserves the right to remove members exhibiting disruptive or inappropriate behavior (before, during, or after classes/activities) from the class or training location. If this involves a youth member, they will have to sit on the bench, and contact with the parent will be made after the class. This may also result in the unilateral termination of membership by Fit-Fight Dojo.
  21. Any participant who abuses their martial arts skills outside of training will be immediately removed from the membership list and banned from Fit-Fight Dojo.
  22. Always follow the Sensei’s instructions.

After Training

  1. After training, line up in a straight line and perform a salute.
  2. After lining up, greet all your training partners and the trainer with a fist bump.
  3. If you want to continue training in the weight room, ask the Sensei for permission.
  4. If you wish to stretch, feel free to do so, but ensure you do not disturb others.
  5. Items left behind can be found in the lost and found bin.
  6. Lost and found items will be removed after 3 weeks.
  7. Fit-Fight Dojo offers free coffee and tea after the class.
  8. Leave the gym, locker room, and restroom tidy and clean.
  9. Clean up your own mess.

Finally, be sportsmanlike, enthusiastic, and cheerful – this is the foundation of the right atmosphere at Fit-Fight Dojo. At Fit-Fight Dojo, we place high importance on safety and respect for each other.

Want to experience the atmosphere? Request a free trial class by leaving your details in the form below. We will contact you within 12 hours.

Additional Regulations & Terms

Access to the Facility



Facility Usage


General Note